New York City Saint Patrick’s Day Parade® Welcomes the 2020 Aides To the Grand Marshal
Aides to the Grand Marshal
- New York County: Thomas A. Beirne
- Bronx County: John P. O’Malley
- Queens County: Margaret M.Costello
- Kings County: Mary E. O’Hara
- Richmond County: Noreen P. Hansen
- Rockland County: Lillian C.Murphy
- Nassau County: Thomas P. Costello
- Orange County: James D. O’Malley
- Suffolk County: Stephen D. Lemanski
- Westchester County: Ann Guerin Haugh
- United Irish Counties: Anne M. Hearn
- United Irish Counties: Thomas G. Tuffy
- Grand Council of Emeralds: Edward P. Boles
- Knights of St Patrick: Thomas P. Reynolds
- Aide at Large: Pauline A. Turley
- Archdiocese of New York: Michael J. Deegan
- N.Y.P.D. Aide: Desmond Stokes
- F.D.N.Y. Aide: Rev. Christopher Keenan, OFM