Frequently Asked Questions.

Which date in March is the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade held?
The NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade is usually held on March 17th. However, if the 17th falls on a Sunday, then the Parade is held on Saturday, March 16th in order to observe the Sunday Sabbath.
At what time does the Parade start and end?
The Parade starts exactly at 11:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. It ends at approximately 4:30 P.M.
Where does the Parade begin and end?
The Parade begins on 5th Avenue at 44th Street. It ends on 5th Avenue uptown at 79th Street.
Where is the best location to stand when attending the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade? What time should I get there?
Anywhere along 5th Avenue will give visitors of the Parade a fine location to experience the Parade. If you prefer to stand as close to 5th Avenue as possible, then the earlier you get there, the better.
As a spectator, what time should I arrive to attend the Parade?
Spectators can begin lining up along 5th Avenue as early as they would like. “Best views to those who show up early.”
Will the Parade be canceled due to bad weather?
The Parade has not been canceled due to bad weather. That said, the Parade has marched in a variety of meteorologic conditions that have included various examples of inclemency.
Are there portable restrooms set up along the Parade route?
No. By order of the NYPD, there are no portable restrooms set up along the Parade route.
The tickets which I received for the grandstand say “Business Casual”. What does that mean?
While the term “Business Casual” can mean different things in different countries, we ask that spectators seated in the grandstand be dressed professionally. Dress as if they were going meet a dignitary, member of the clergy, or a government official, because, you very well could.

Formal wear is not required, but please feel free to dress up if you would like. After all, it’s the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade!

If you prefer to dress less formally, consider: slacks, skirts, shirts with collars, closed-toe shoes, tie with no jacket.

Also consider what not to wear: large hats, beads, etc.

Where can I get tickets to the grandstands? What is the cost of the tickets?

Tickets to the Parade grandstands are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Tickets can be obtained by sending a letter requesting the tickets along with a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope to:

NYC St Patrick’s Parade
P.O. Box 295 Woodlawn Station
Bronx, NY 10470

Please note – In order to receive tickets your request must be received in the Parade office by March 1.

Ticket requests received without a stamped, self addressed #10 envelope will not be honored.

I have tickets to the grandstand this year. Once the Parade begins, can I leave my seat?
You may leave your grandstand seat but will need to be in possession of your ticket in order to get back to that seat.
Is there a special section in the grandstand for disabled persons?
There is no special section in the grandstand; however, people in wheelchairs can be accommodated by the ushers at/around the grandstand.
Are Parade marchers permitted to march with their children in strollers?
Yes, parents may march with their children in strollers.
Are service dogs allowed to march with their owners?
May I bring my pet along with me to march in the Parade?
Sorry, but pets are not allowed to march in the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Are there floats in the NYC St. Patrick’s Parade?
I have a business meeting in midtown NYC on March 17. Will the Parade interfere with my getting around the city?
During the Parade, street traffic is detoured away from 5th Avenue between 44th to 79th Streets. This can cause an overflow on adjacent streets. Due to the fact that there are throngs of spectators in midtown, walking rather than driving is a better idea.
In the Parade line of march, are the Irish County groups that march in the Parade arranged in the same order each year?
No. The lineup order changes each year. There is a system set up that rotates the lineup of the Irish County groups.
Where can I get food during the Parade?
There are restaurants and sometimes pushcart food vendors on 6th Ave. and some of the side streets adjacent to the Parade route.
Where will the parade be Broadcast?

The parade is broadcast live at 11 AM on NBC 4 New York.

The broadcast can also be streamed on:



The Roku
Samsung TV Plus
Xumo PlayCozi
Click here for instructions on NBC’s streaming channels.



Will there be a video of this year’s Parade made available later after Parade?
Yes, DVDs of this year’s Parade will be available for purchase from the Parade office. Please note that the DVD covers only the portion of the Parade which was broadcast on TV. There are DVDs of past years available, too. Please note, DVDs are in NTSC format.
More questions?
If you need more information about the NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade, please get in touch with us through our Contact page and we will get back to you as soon as we can. You can also reach out to us on Facebook and Twitter.